Serendipity has a wide and diverse range of student clients and student self care is something we encourage. Students are a client group we love working with. We understand the issues uni and college life can bring and offer counselling to listen and understand how these are impacting. We work therapeutically to help gain an understanding of what is going on and why. We can also, if needed, offer to work on more practical solutions to problems as part of the therapyeutic process.
Self Care
We always check out if our clients are self caring. This can be the foundations of both emotional and physical wellbeing so it’s important to check if they’ve got the balance right. We recommend pressing pause and taking time to consider –
- Are you getting enough sleep/rest? If you feel tired maybe you’re not.
- Do you have a healthy appetite? Is it balanced and are you eating regularly?
- Are you getting any exercise? Even just walking to uni or town can help.
There are many things that can have a negative impact on student life. Being away from home, perhaps for the first time. Living arrangements not working out as you had hoped they would. Managing money and becoming independent. The course you’re on, is it the right one? The contact time, work load and exams looming. That’s in addition to finding people you like and get on with. This can be especially difficult and anxiety about peer and social groups can be self defeating. We recommend that you try to –
- Get connected. Talk to your course mates, join societies, attend events. This can help if you are feeling lonely. We are all relational beings – we like being together (ok – or maybe with just one or two people at a time!)
- Volunteer. There are loads of opportunities to meet people through volunteering. Either through YUSU or the host of charities in York. Our favourites are The Island, Helping Other People in Need (HOPING), York Mind and the Kyra Women’s Project. Helping others can actually make you feel good – honest, but don’t just take our word for it – try it out.
- Talk to someone. There is always someone to talk to. House mates, your supervisor, tutor, student union, Open Door or student welfare. You can usually do this face to face, via email, text or on the telephone. There is always someone there to listen and help. Sometimes it just feels like there isn’t.
If things are going well – fair play and enjoy. If you feel you would like to talk to someone away from uni or college have a look at the helplines we have listed on our contact page. If you feel you would like some counselling, we are here to help. Just drop us a text or email and we will get back to you.
Uni and college life can be the best experience, but not always. Find out how you can make it better. Talk to someone, anyone. Or talk to us. Contact us at info@serendipityyork.co.uk